Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I've been back home now for 5 days.  The trip home was a bit of an adventure - an earlier than expected departure, a missed flight, worries of deportation (that sounds a bit more dramatic than it actually was, but trust me, I'm not creative enough to make that up), a side trip to Iraq - the bottom line is I made it safe and sound.  I can now add several new countries to the list of places I've been in the world - Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar, Cyprus, Italy, and Germany.  The picture was the view from my accommodations in Kuwait (I stayed in the trailer just at the left edge of the picture, not the tents in the foreground).  The picture was taken in the middle of the afternoon while the winds were howling and the dust was flying - you can barely make out the sun.
My portal of entry into the US was through Baltimore.  We received a warm welcome from Operation Welcome Home - Maryland.  There was a line of people who shook our hands and thanked us for our service; there were goodie bags complete with cards signed by the local Cub Scout troops; and there were folks making sure we had arrangements for the next leg of our journeys home.  (The organization posts pictures on line:  www.owhmd.org.  I came through on May 13th on the second flight and I was one of the last people to get my luggage, so I'm one of the last pictures.)
I have several relatives around Baltimore, so I was lucky enough to also have family meet me at the airport.  My parents were down from Long Island and we all spent the night at my oldest sister's house.  My travel schedule allowed us time to have breakfast the next morning with my aunt (group picture).  It was really great having a layover where I could be with family.
On my arrival back to San Antonio, I was met at the airport by my husband, Greg, and our yellow lab, Cassie - a much anticipated moment after a long journey.  I was finally home.
Prior to my return home, I'd heard people talk of needing time to adjust to life back home and needing to re-acclimate.  And, like a typical surgeon, I just assumed that was for other people, that I would return home and just pick up where I left off.  But, the reality is when I left, the world did not stop spinning.  Life here carried on and time moved forward (and somewhere along the way we ended up with another cat).  And, at the same time, I also moved forward, albeit in a different location and in a different direction.  When it's all said and done, I will be back home and back at work doing what I did before I left, but there is a small piece of me that will be forever changed by my experience.  And, in some way, I hope that I have effected a reciprocal change in those I encountered while I was gone.

Well, I think that brings Poppies and Parasites - My First Trip to Afghanistan to a close.  Many thanks to all who have followed along - your support, prayers,
letters, email, care packages, etc. truly made all the difference.  I wish I could say this was the end of being deployed for me, but unless this crazy world we live in changes, I anticipated the Second Trip Edition to come out in about two years.  Stay tuned...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Have A Coke and A Smile

So, I'm not sure if these are phonetic or literal translations, or if there is even a difference...

Letterman's Top Ten

Before I get started, let me provide some follow-up and bring things full circle for the posting on Poppies and Parasites.  The patient whose worm was featured had her "uncle" staying with her at the hospital as her guardian.  Well, he apparently was going outside on a regular basis for smoking breaks - hashish smoking breaks.
So, I live in the Letterman Dorm, named after Jonathan Letterman, a surgeon during the Civil War who is credited as being the "Father of Battlefield Medicine."  He was the medical director of the Army of the Potomac and in response to inefficient delivery of medical care, he established first aid stations at the regimental level with ambulance evacuation to mobile field hospitals at the division and corps headquarters.
This system is still the foundation of how battlefield medicine is still delivered today.  Injured soldiers are triaged and treated at the facility closest to where they are injured, bearing in mind that the more forward the position, the more primitive the available medical resources.  Once stabilized the injured are evacuated to the next echelon of care where additional treatment is provided.  This process is repeated until the patients make it from here to Europe and on to the U.S.  The level of care provided in flight is a function of the patient's acuity; some patients are transported in what are essentially flying Intensive Care Units.  Depending on timing and injury severity, this whole process can be amazingly efficient.
Here at Bagram, we are the last stopping point for patients before leaving the country.  So we see a mix of cases - some "fresh" trauma (patients who are being treated for the first time) and lots of "used" trauma (initially treated elsewhere).  In my experience, we have seen a lot more "used" trauma, but I suspect as the weather improves and the tempo picks up, this balance will shift.  
We take care of U.S. and coalition soldiers, contractors, Afghan soldiers, enemy combatants, injured civilians, and so on.  In addition to trauma patients, we also treat surgical emergencies that come in through the Emergency Department.  All of the U.S. and coalition troops end up leaving the country for further treatment or convalescence; the Afghan patients stay in our facilities until their care is complete and they can either be transferred to a local hospital or sent home.  
In addition to being the last stopping point before leaving the country, we also have the best resources available in the country.  This often leads to requests for us to take care of more complex cases as well as humanitarian cases.  These requests need to be balanced against the mission of the hospital - ultimately we are here to take care of our soldiers.
Having said all of that, let me tell you, in Letterman style, about my Top Ten Cases here in Bagram (oops, wrong Letterman).  Some of this is not for the faint of heart, and some of the pictures are pretty graphic, so proceed with caution.  Also, this is a really long read, so you may want to divide it up into multiple sittings, or at least grab a cup of coffee to help you stay awake.

#10 - The Wound Washout - So this isn't really a specific case pertaining to one patient, but this is clearly the case that I performed most often on soldiers passing through our facility.  Rockets, landmines, improvised explosive devices (IED), bullets, etc., make holes - dirty holes.  Wounds are contaminated with dirt, rocks, metallic fragments, clothing - there are even reports of "biologic" fragments from other people - basically if you can think of it, it can contaminate a wound.  Wounds like this are cleaned out - debrided - in the operating room and are left open meaning that the skin is not closed.  These wounds can be packed with gauze dressings; they can also be dressed with a suction type of dressing in addition to a variety of other options.  The patients are then taken back to the OR for wound washouts where the wound is re-inspected and further debrided as necessary.  If the wound is determined to be sufficiently clean, it can be closed at that time.  I have done this operation a lot in my time here.

#9 - Lower extremity revascularization - Fairly early on in my time here we had a local contractor come in after the circular saw he was using slipped and landed in is left leg, severing the main artery and vein to his leg.  He was brought in with a tourniquet on his leg in an attempt to stop the bleeding.  He was immediately taken to the operating room where we repaired his blood vessels using a piece of vein taken from his other leg.  As those in the crowd who have done similar cases can attest to, these patients only seem to come in in the middle of the night.  And, no matter how perfect the operation seems to go, there is usually some issue with the blood vessels - clot formation, vessel spasm, etc. - that requires additional time (sometime on the order of hours) spent in the OR.  There have been a few other revascularization cases done by the other surgeons here as well.  One patient, initially treated at a forward base, was too unstable to undergo an extensive vascular reconstruction, so the surgeons at the forward base inserted a shunt - simply a plastic tube - into his blood vessels to bridge the injured segments.  This allowed time for him to be resuscitated.  He was transported to us with the shunt in place and was deemed stable enough to go to the operating room where the team was able to repair his vessels and save his leg.

#8 - Ruptured Ectopic - We recently had a woman come into the Emergency Room with sudden onset of abdominal pain who appeared to be quite ill.  She was initially a bit of a diagnostic dilemma, but it turns out that she had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.  In this situation, a pregnancy develops in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus.  The fallopian tube does not expand to accommodate the growing
pregnancy, so it ruptures leading to profound blood loss.  I helped the Gynecologist in the OR with this case.  We evacuated about 2.5 liters of blood from her abdomen (which would explain why she looked so ill; the average 70 kg male has a total blood volume of about 5 liters) and removed her fallopian tube.  By the way, she was a bit of a diagnostic dilemma because General Order #1 says, among other things, no sex in the theater of operations, so it's a little curious how she ended up with this problem...
(Pictured:  The Gynecologist and me in the OR; The ectopic pregnancy - the fallopian tube is being pulled up out of the pelvis, the purplish looking nubbin is the ectopic pregnancy.  The white structure deep in the wound is the ovary.)

#7 - Urology cases - I have done 3 Urologic cases as the result of gun shot wounds to the pelvis, and because of proximity, all of these patients ended up with colostomies (where the colon is divided and brought out to the abdominal wall so that stool is diverted from the pelvis) for rectal injuries.  The first patient was an Afghan soldier who had holes in the top and bottom of his bladder that required closure.  
The second patient was a woman about my age who was in her third trimester of pregnancy at the time of her injury.  She was initially treated at a local Afghan hospital where a C-section was performed - the baby did not survive, it is still not clear to me whether the baby was already in distress necessitating the C-section, or if the C-section was performed in an effort to save the mother and the baby died because of prematurity.  She had a very complex injury at the neck of her bladder where it joins the urethra (the tube that urine passes through on its way out the body).  The bladder was repaired and we left catheters in place to keep the bladder decompressed until all of our suture lines are well healed.  It is unclear at this time whether she will ever be continent of urine again.  I suspect she won't be, which will be a tremendous hardship in this country (not that it wouldn't be a tremendous hardship back home, it's just orders of magnitude worse here.)
The third patient was a recently married 16-year old girl.  The bullet transected the lower portion of her ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder).  We repaired this by bringing her bladder up to the lowest healthy portion of the ureter and sewing the two together.  Her rectal injury was quite extensive - whoever tries to put her colon back together has their work cut out for them.
I've also done some scrotal and testicular work, but I'll spare you the details.

#6 - Land mine Injuries - This country is littered with land mines and no one is immune.  The majority of land mine injuries we have seen have occurred in children.  The first patient came in shortly after I got here.  She was a 10ish-year old girl (by the way, no one in this country knows how old they are) who was out gather things in a field when she was injured by fragments from a presumed land mine explosion.  She was taken to the operating room where some of her injuries were repaired.  Unfortunately, she had a major bleeding episode on her 3rd day in the hospital (due to her injuries) that resulted in her needing CPR.  We were able to get her to the operating and repair the bleeding blood vessel, however, because of a lack of blood flow to her brain during the episode, she died the following day.
We recently had two young brothers - 6ish-years old - who came in after
another land mine explosion.  Both were quite ill when they first arrived and were emergently taken to the OR.  One boy had injuries in both his abdomen and chest as well as all of his extremities.  He is actually doing fairly well at this point.  He is no longer in the ICU and will only need to go back to the operating room for

 reconstructive procedures.  (By the way, his intestines were chock full of worms.)
The other boy's major problem was significant facial trauma.  The ENT and Plastic surgeons have reconstructed and closed his face.  While his initial injury looks horrible, they have done a tremendous job putting all of the pieces back together.
(Pictured:  One team exploring the abdomen, the other team in the chest; Significant facial trauma with soft tissue disruption and mandible (jaw bone) fracture.)

#5 - Craniotomy - We had another 6ish-year old patient who was injured by some sort of fragment to her head, most likely from an IED blast.  The fragment penetrated her skull and had entered her brain.  Our Neurosurgeon took her to the OR to perform a
decompressive craniectomy.  I scrubbed in to help him with the case.  The brain, encased by the skull, is contained within a protective, closed space.  In most instances this is desirable, however, when there is bleeding or injury to the brain, there is no room for the brain to expand.  This can lead to compromised blood flow to the brain, which worsens the injury, which causes more swelling which further compromises blood flow, worsening the injury, and the whole process spirals out of control.  To break this cycle, a portion of the skull can be removed thereby releasing the pressure on the brain.  The removed bone can be frozen and replaced at some point in the future, or a prosthetic plate can be inserted.  This child's injury was so bad with such significant blood loss that we weren't sure we were going to get her out of the operating room.  She lost at least the equivalent of her entire blood volume out of her skull during the operation.  Amazingly she survived the injury, and while she will clearly have permanent "brain damage" each day she seemed to be a little better.  Children have an amazing ability to recover from brain injuries.
(Pictured:  My hand has the green under glove - the swollen brain is pictured between my thumb and index finger.)
(Ironically, during the time that I've spent writing this, I've helped the Neurosurgeon with another craniotomy.  This case was a 5-month old who came in with an enormous head.  He had a large cyst in his brain that was blocking the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid causing a condition called hydrocephalus.  We remarked during this case how life in this country is clearly survival of the fittest.)

#4 - Hirschsprung's Disease - 
In the developing embryo, the nerve cells populate the colon from upstream to downstream.  Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital anomaly where the nerves don't quite make it all the way to the end (occurs in about 1/5000 births).  As a result, the downstream rectum is maintained in spasm and causes a relative bowel obstruction.  Today in the US, this condition is usually discovered in newborns before they go home from the hospital.  Thirty to forty years ago in the US this condition was not recognized in the neonatal period; rather children would have problems with chronic constipation, failure to thrive (poor weight gain and difficulty achieving developmental milestones), and potentially life threatening episodes of enterocolitis.  Well, thirty to forty years ago at home is today here in Afghanistan, and in all honesty it's also survival of the fittest.  This little boy showed up last year at 3 years of age with a lifelong history of 
constipation, throwing up, and failure to thrive.  At the age of 3 he weight roughly 8 kg and still wasn't walking.  The surgeons here at the time took out a portion of the diseased colon and brought out a colostomy.  By bringing the colon out to the abdominal wall, the fecal stream did not have to go past the spastic segment of rectum.  This allowed the patient's abdomen to return to normal size, his weight doubled within the year and he was an active, healthy appearing child.  We took him back to the operating room where we did a pull-thru procedure.  We removed the remaining diseased rectum and brought the healthy colon down to his bottom, so he no longer has a colostomy.  This was the first one of these cases I had done since finishing my fellowship.  Needless to say I wasn't too thrilled about doing it in a Third World country.
Initially after the operation his abdomen was significantly distended - this gave me a few more gray hairs and caused a few sleepless night.  In this operation 1-2 centimeters too high and you haven't gotten passed all of the diseased colon; 1-2 centimeters too low and you render the patient incontinent of stool.  However, he got better and was ready to go home 1 week after his operation was completed.  I've seen him back in the clinic twice now.  His bowel function is relatively normal, his diet is improving, his weight has remained steady, and he is an active healthy looking little guy.
(Pictured:  One of the other surgeons and me working on getting out the rest of the diseased colon; Me sewing the healthy colon down to his bottom; Patient in the clinic about 1 month after his operation.)

#3 Burn - About 7 weeks ago we had an 8ish-year old girl come in with a 40% total body surface area burn after a rocket hit her house.  The circumstances of the rocket attack still aren't completely clear to me and sometimes I think it's probably better that way.  While a 40% burn in a patient this age back home enjoys near universal survival, the same cannot be said for larger burns here in Afghanistan.  This is because of poor baseline nutrition (not to mention the worms), higher risk for infection, and a general lack of resources.  When she initially came into the hospital she was on a ventilator for several days and required
 a tremendous amount of fluid and medication to support her blood pressure.  In the last 7 weeks we have taken her back to the operating room no less than 12-15 times for wound debridements, escharotomies, and skin grafts.  One of her trips back to to the OR was too put out a fire - when she initially came in, she had some sort of chemical substance on her face (presumably white phosphorus).  We thought we had washed it all completely away, but about 3 weeks into her hospital stay, the Plastic Surgeon was looking at her face in the ICU and it spontaneously started sparking - nothing like re-burning a burn.  The Plastic Surgeon and I did most of her operations together.  Because burn patients are not able to regulate their temperature, it is necessary to keep the OR very hot during 
these cases.  For the majority of the cases we had the room temperature up around 100 degrees.  Needless to say it gets very hot and sweaty under gowns and gloves during these cases - I think I probably lost a few pounds with each case.  For all of the work related to this patient, our Ophthalmologist put us in for Army Achievement medals.
All in all, we have been nearly successful in getting all of her burn wounds covered with skin grafts and healed.  The cosmetic
result is far from perfect and if she were in the US she would be looking toward a long series of scar revisions and reconstructive operations, probably over the next few years.  It is still unclear what resources will be available for this girl's long-term care.  And, while it sounds very shallow, in a country where this her main purpose in life is to get married and have children, it will be very difficult for her family to be able to marry her off with her altered appearance.  Her father expressed this concern to a news agency during a recent interview.
(Pictured:  Appearance of the burns roughly 48 hours after the initial injury; The Plastic Surgeon and me working in the OR - probably doing a skin graft; Getting my medal; The current state of wound healing (she has a feeding tube dangling from her nose to provide adequate nutrition to support her wound healing) - it doesn't necessarily show up very well, but she is sporting a brightly colored sequined purse and had on matching shoes.)

#2 - Hydatid Cyst - So, more parasites...  Echinococcus granulosus.  So, I'll spare you the all the details on this one, but this is a parasite that uses the human as an intermediate host.  The ingested parasite invades through the intestines and gets trapped in either the liver or the lung.  When caught in either of these places very large cysts can form.  If these cysts get large enough and are refractory to medical treatment, surgical excision is needed.  This patient is about 13-years old.  She had cysts in both of her lungs as well as her liver.  She went to the operating room on 2 separate occasions - the first time to take the cyst out of her left lung and the second time to take the cyst out of her right lung and liver.  The way the division of labor fell between the surgeons, I was involved in the liver portion of the case.  This was the first time I had done a case like this and as you can tell from the commentaries of the people in the OR, this is clearly something we don't do everyday.

#1 - Omphalocele - An omphalocele is a congenital anomaly where the abdominal wall does not fully form.  As a result, the intestines and potentially
other organs protrude from the abdomen with a sort of gelatinous covering.  
This patient was brought to one of the forward bases by his "uncle" on day of life #1.  (I say "uncle" because it seems like every male relative is the uncle.)  We transferred him to our hospital and took him to the OR to return the intestines to the abdomen and close the defect.  (Also the first case of this type since fellowship - again would have preferred not doing my first in a Third World country.)  Caring for a neonate in a combat support hospital was a bit of a challenge - it can be difficult to scale things back from a 100 kg healthy young troop to a 2.5 kg newborn.  But, he went home yesterday eating well with his abdomen closed.  He was with us for about a week and his
"uncle" was the only relative here with him the whole time.  When I asked where the mother was or if she would be coming, I was informed that in this culture women don't travel.
(Pictured:  The baby before the operation with his intestines herniated into the sac above his abdomen; Me before the operation; Baby on the day prior to discharge from the hospital with things back where they should be.)

Well, it's down to the final countdown for me.  My replacement has arrived.  Now I'm just waiting for the infamous "they", be it he, she, it, or they to figure out when "then" is going to be.  So, in the meantime I'm just waiting for "then"... Waiting for Godot...

Friday, April 17, 2009


So, there was a Passover Seder here on base that a group of us from the hospital went to last week.  The Rabbi was flown in from Germany for the occasion, though I think he must be from New York originally because listening to him talk made me feel like I was at home.  At the conclusion of the evening he had us act out parts to a song.  One of the guys in our group shot a short video of the end of the song which features me acting out "fire".  The structure of the song reminded me of The Twelve Days of Christmas.  For those of you who were at the General Surgery Christmas party this year, you can tell me how my part here compares to my rendition of three french hens.

Not for the Faint of Heart: Poppies and Parasites Explained

Let me start with Poppies (with which I have no experience), then you can decide if you want to continue reading about Parasites (with which I have a growing experience).  
So, as is probably the case with any country torn by years of war, poverty, drought, corruption, and an untenable terrain, among other things, the statistics about Afghanistan aren't always straight forward.  While the World Bank reports a 49% increase in the opium production, the UN reports a 19% decrease between 2007 and 2008 with a further anticipated decrease in 2009.  One thing that everyone does seem to agree on is that Afghanistan has been the world's largest opium producer for at least a year.  The export value of the crop is somewhere around $4 billion and it has been reported that more land in Afghanistan is used to grow poppies than is used in Latin America to grow coca.  In the past year, the value of poppies has decreased, but still remains higher than most other agricultural products.  This is clearly one of the driving forces in its continued production.  Other influences include availability of irrigation, local need for foodstuffs, religion, government interventions, or the lack thereof, as well as the Taliban and its enemies.  This is clearly a multifaceted problem making its eradication a tremendous challenge.
Eradicating parasitic disease in an underdeveloped country is also challenging, though we are trying to do it one patient at a time.  Ascaris lumbricoides is a common parasitic worm infecting many of our patients.  The Ascaris life cycle is kind of interesting, and quite frankly, kind of disgusting.  The mature worm, which can set up residence in the human intestines, produces eggs which are shed in the feces.  In underdeveloped countries human feces are either indiscriminately disposed of, or are sometimes used as fertilizer, so feces are ubiquitous in the soil.  The eggs in the soil go through a process of embryonation and develop into larvae.  These larvae are then ingested through foodstuffs.  Alternatively children go out and play in the dirt and invariably dirty hands make it into their mouths and the larvae get swallowed.  Once ingested, the larvae penetrate the intestines, travel to the liver and eventually make it into the blood supply to the lungs.  (Here's were it gets really disgusting, if you haven't been totally grossed out already.)  At this point, the larvae perforate into the airspaces of the lungs and get coughed up.  They then get swallowed back down into the intestinal tract and become mature worms which excrete eggs and start the whole process all over again.
Compared to other parasites, Ascaris is considered to be a relatively short lived parasite with a life span of "only" 6-18 months, which is 6-18 months longer than I would like to have worms.  They can get to be quite long with lengths up to 40 cm.  An estimated 1 billion people in the world are infected and excrete somewhere around 25,000 tons of eggs on an annual basis.
My first encounter with Ascaris came during an abdominal exploration on a young girl who had sustained a penetrating injury to her abdomen from some sort of improvised explosive device.  One of the steps included in an abdominal exploration is a process called "running the bowel" where the small bowel is carefully inspected from one end to the other to make sure there are no injuries.  Because of the redundancy of the small bowel, the process includes passing the bowel from hand to hand to make sure that no segments are missed.  Normally the bowel is essentially a hollow tube, however, it feels like there are cords of rope in it when worms are present.  Needless to say, it's kind of gross.
Apparently when a patient is ill or dying, the worms are
able to recognize a bad situation and make a run for it.  So they can start crawling out the mouth, nose or out the other end.  The worm pictured to the right came out of a burn patient we have been treating here for the last several weeks.  Though she was not dying, we had induced diarrhea with her feeding regimen and this worm just got caught up in the current.  Incidentally, we try to provide an additional 10% in nutritional support to account for what the worms are eating.
There is medication to treat these infections.  We generally wait until the patients have recovered from their acute illnesses before we treat them.  The dead worms are excreted in the stool which has the potential to cause a bowel obstruction if there is a significant infestation.  We don't want to take the chance of causing such an obstruction while the patient is still recovering from his or her primary illness.  The infectious disease specialist who is here tells me he is planning to take a dose of the medication himself when he returns home - just in case.  Between his advice and the giant hair ball that was in my salad the other day, I will probably do the same.  Needless to say I don't think I will handle it very well if there are any positive results.
So, as you can tell, Afghanistan has some very redeeming qualities.  Unfortunately I think these two issues only represent the tip of the iceberg.

Other than that, not too much else going on here.  The weather has still been pretty rainy which has kept the tempo down.  And, we have another surgeon who has joined the rotation, so the call schedule is now even more spread out.

There is another medical unit which is going to be stationed here which means more people.  Unfortunately there isn't more housing available, so my room of 4 is going to become a room of 6.  The additional furniture gets moved in sometime next week and the additional people are allegedly arriving the first week in May.  I'm hoping to be in the process of packing to leave at that point.  6 women in a room?  Holy giant cat fights...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Up On the Roof Top, Click, Click Click...

So, I've got the wrong holiday, but we were up on the rooftop.  Actually the group picture is from Easter Eve.  There was a gazebo built on top of the hospital for the purpose of smoking cigars.  Since I was planning to go to Mass after the smoking break, I decided to refrain, but the weather was really pleasant and it was nice to get outside and get some "fresh" air.  The hospital is right adjacent to the flight line, so "fresh" air usually includes a mix of burning aviation fuel, and on this occasion, cigar smoke as well.
On the days when the weather is nice out, I try to get up to the gazebo to read.  The fact that it's adjacent to the flight line sometimes makes it difficult to concentrate on the reading - watching the planes coming and going is often a lot more interesting.  And, on clear days, the view is really spectacular with the mountains in the background.
I hope everyone has had a Happy Easter and a Joyous Passover.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Doing Time

So I realized it's been about a week since I last posted to the blog.  On one hand, it's hard to remember exactly where the week went, on the other hand it seems like it was a long time ago...
It's very easy to lose track of time here for many reasons.  First of all, everyday is pretty much the same routine - we start at 6:30 in the morning reviewing X-rays and then make rounds in the ICU.  This is followed by a quick breakfast and then off to the "No Issues" meeting - so named because all the departments in the hospital meet to discuss issues, but nobody ever has any.  We then round on the ward.  Once rounds are done, the rest of the day consists of (not necessarily in this order) cases in the OR (if there are any to do), going to the gym, taking a nap, either dropping off or picking up laundry, reading, waiting for the pager to go off, checking the mail, dinner, and often times a movie in the "Doc Box" (the room in the hospital where we spend a great deal of time).  Everyday I tell myself I'm going to get to sleep early, but invariably I either end up chatting with Greg on Facebook, or reading, or both, and don't quite get to bed as early as hoped.  (This explains the necessity for the daily nap.)  The one day of the week which is different is Sunday because instead of starting at 6:30, we start at 7:30, but as you may well guess, this isn't a very big distinction.
The second reason it is difficult to keep track of time is because I'm also trying to keep track of time back home - so when it's today here, it's yesterday there.  And when it's today there, it's tomorrow here.  I still have my watch set to San Antonio, I guess I sort of did that as a way to feel connected to home, and maybe to deny the fact that I am not there.  But invariably I still look at my watch and end up having to do complex math to figure out the local time.
The math is complex because Afghanistan is one of those few rare places in the world where the time is off by a half hour.  So when I look at my watch, I have to subtract 2-and-a-half hours and make it tomorrow to have the local time.  For those of you who I have spoken to about this half-hour difference, I have to correct myself regarding the number of countries in the world that are not on the hour.  I thought there were only 4 countries on the half hour, but I looked it up on Wikipedia and actually Newfoundland, India, Iran, Venezuela, Burma, the Marquesas (in the South Pacific) and parts of Australia are also on the half hour.  And to take it a step further, Nepal and the Chatham Islands of New Zealand are on the quarter hour.  And, China is just in one big time zone.  (Oddly enough, we don't observe daylight savings time here, so it's getting very bright in the mornings.)
To further complicate the time issue, the patient charts are supposed to maintained in Zulu time.  This is to help standardize things as the patients move through the system from Afghanistan to Germany and on to the US which has it's own variety of time zones.  So, some of the clocks in the hospital are local and some are Zulu, and some people are adamant about doing everything in Zulu and some aren't.
Despite all this confusion, one lesson that I first learned as a medical student and fully appreciated as a resident is that no matter what "they" try to do to you, they can't stop the clock.  So every minute spent here is one less minute that I have to spend here.  I'm fairly certain that I'm at about the halfway mark, so the time ahead of me is less than the time behind me, and the light at the end of the tunnel is shining a little brighter each day.

Regarding the daily activity of checking the mail I have to say again the support that I have received from everyone back home has been incredible and has made all the difference in the world.  Thank you.

And, for one more exciting update, earlier this week I was reunited with my missing laundry bag after three long weeks.  I now have so much clean underwear that I'm tempted to change it in the middle of the day just because I can.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Few More Photos

These are just a few more pictures of the surrounding scenery.  The air quality and visibility are considerably better here after it rains.  I took these pictures from just outside my dorm in the morning after a rainy night.  I'm not sure how well it projects, but you can see a local village at the base of the mountains.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

World Peace Through Skiing

The scenery here is absolutely beautiful.  We are surrounded by snow capped mountains, it reminds me of Denver.  And, I guess if you consider that the elevation here is 4895 ft, Bargram is essentially the other Mile High City.
Many people, including myself, have commented that many of the problems here in Afghanistan could be solved with a few really nice ski resorts.  To start with, building the resorts would create jobs.  Then the resorts would need to be staffed, creating even more jobs.  The skiing would probably be
 really good so people would travel
here for ski vacations.  That would generate flights in and out of the airport.  Roads would need to be constructed, further stimulating the economy.  With economic stimulus, the people could be fed, housed and educated.  And people who ski are generally happy, which would make them less likely to engage in terrorist activity in general.
The Achilles heel in all of this is that the mountains are probably riddled with land mines, making skiing somewhat less attractive for the faint of heart.  For the diehard skier, the trails could be rated as quadruple black diamond.  You would know you'd had a good run if you made it to the bottom of the mountain alive and with all limbs intact - body armor optional.
In all seriousness, it really makes me a little sad to look out at the beautiful landscape,
knowing that hate runs so deep.
The snow had been melting as the weather warmed up, but the last few days have been cold and rainy.  So, I suspect we will see some additional snow cover once the clouds clear.
The cold weather definitely slows down the tempo here.  And, while on one hand, I would like to be busy and feel like I'm doing my part to contribute to the efforts here, me being slow means troops aren't being injured - it's kind of a double edged sword.

With it being slow, I've had time to redecorate my room.  This essentially consisted of hanging up a flag, which may actually be the most dangerous thing I've done here, since it involved me having to stand on my rolling desk chair.  But, this isn't just any flag - this flag flew with my friend Janette over Iraq in her B-1 bomber during the initial phases of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  (For those of you who haven't been lucky enough to meet Janette, we've been friends since sophomore year in college when we met in ROTC and thought we were queens of the world.)  They fly flags on the flagpole in front of the hospital for people here, but because there are so many requests, it often means that the flag just gets run up and down the flag pole.  So, I opted to hang it in my room instead where it is constantly in view.  It's not quite as sexy as flying in a B-1, but the sentiment in no less real.

P.S.  For those of you wondering, I have yet to be re-united with my missing bag of laundry.  I haven't gotten to the point of going out and replacing the missing items, but I'm becoming less and less optimistic that I'll ever see those clothes again.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Church in a War Zone

I made it to Mass at the Enduring Faith Chapel (presumably a takeoff on Operation Enduring Freedom) for the first time tonight (which for mathematicians in the crowd means that yes, I've missed a few weeks).  The chapel is about a 5 minute walk and if I'd been thinking ahead, I would have brought my camera to snap a few photos - maybe next week
It's kind of an interesting experience going to church here - I have to say I was struck by some of the similarities as well as some of the differences.
To start with, like many of the priests back home, English is not the primary language of the priest here.  Like Mass on Long Island, but very much UNlike Mass in Texas, speed was definitely a priority.  At the start of the homily, the priest assured us he would be brief.  And, true to his word, we were done in just under 45-minutes, which by the way, he himself announced just before the closing prayer.  He did, however mention, on more than one occasion, that starting with Palm Sunday, we're in for some long days.
Growing up on Long Island, I can recall times at church when we paused for the noise of the airplanes making their approach to JFK.  Well, the was no pausing tonight.  And instead of the sound of 747s carrying weary travelers back from Europe, it was the sound of F-15s taking off with afterburners alight.
In addition to the primarily US crowd, there were several Coalition members present as well.  There must be a fairly regular contingent of folks from India because we paused for them to say the Our Father in their native language.
No kneelers in this church, a little rough on the knees - another deployment hardship I'll have to overcome.
And, I can honestly say this was the first time in my life that I was packing heat when I went to Mass.  It's definitely strange to look around and see people armed when you're at Mass.  There are also racks in the back of the chapel for people to park their M-16s.  Add to that walking out the front door and seeing Humvees parked around while the sound of swirling helicopter blades fills the air.
Needless to say, one thing remains constant - I continue to pray for peace.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'd Like to Buy a Vowel

So tonight was UAE Tuesday.
After a while, as the routine becomes routine, the days start to blend into one another.  This makes it somewhat challenging to distinguish the days of the week from one another.  This is where dinner becomes critically important.  There are multiple Dining Facilities on the base, affectionately referred to as DFACs (dee-facs).  And, while there are all basically run by the same contracting company (KBR), the fine cuisine is a little different at each one.
So, today being Tuesday, it was UAE Tuesday.  The UAE has it's own unit here on the base and so once a week, they open up their DFAC to outside visitors.  Tonight was actually the first night I was able to make it over there.  Needless to say, the food was very good, though I'm not entirely sure exactly what was in each dish.  Having said that, this DFAC is the only one on base that isn't governed by US food standards, so I'm told that UAE Tuesday often leads to Diarrhea Wednesday - I promise not to let you know how that turns out for me tomorrow.
Thursday is Polish Sausage night at the DFAC affectionately referred to as the Meat Shack.  Friday is Surf and Turf night and there are varying levels of Surf in the different DFACs - in some places it's filet of sole, and in others it's lobster tail and crab legs.  Saturday doesn't really seem to have any distinguishing features and neither does Sunday for that matter, though many of the guys make that the day for Ice Cream Sundae.  I haven't yet developed that discipline as I often find a bowl of ice cream in front of me on other days of the week as well.  Monday is also pretty non-descript, except for the fact that it's the day before UAE Tuesday, and so the cycle begins again.
All in all, the food is actually pretty good here.  I miss the niceties of real silverware and real dishes and cafeteria style dining is, well, cafeteria style.  But, there is certainly no reason to go hungry, and going to the gym becomes somewhat of a necessity to keep up with the caloric intake (especially when you factor in all of the goodies from home).
P.S.  KBR also does the laundry here and one of my bags has gone MIA - follow the blog closely to learn the whereabouts of the missing linens...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pictures of Home Away from Home

So these are the pictures I couldn't get to upload with the last post.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Home Away From Home

Let's just say this blogging thing may prove hazardous to my health in that I may stroke out with all of the technical issues I've been experiencing.  I've been unsuccessfully trying to upload pictures to go with this post for the last day and then the blog popped up in Arabic and trying to log in proved somewhat challenging.  It's sort of strange for the web page to be right side justified...

Anyway, I'm living in a dorm (image picture of unimaginative rectangular tan building).  It's a 2 story, hardened facility that is right across the street from the hospital, making for one of the shortest commutes I've had in a while.  I think just about everyone who lives here works in the hospital as well.  There's four of us in the room, which, let's just say it's been a while since I've had roommates other than Greg.  Actually, it's not that bad.  One of the drawbacks is that everyone in the room is on a different schedule so someone is usually asleep in the room.  I feel like invariably I end up bumping into something or dropping something and making a lot of noise.  And, there's the swishing noise made by my PT pants every time I move...

         The water here isn't potable, so there's bottled water everywhere (imagine photo of palates of water outside of the unimaginative rectangular building).  When I first got here, I even used the bottled water to brush my teeth.  However, after several trips back to my room because I forgot to bring the water with me, I decided that the bacterial load from brushing my teeth would probably be just enough to give me some relative immunity without making my completely ill.  So far the theory is working out okay...

         As you can tell, the room isn't terribly fancy, but it's my own little space.  (Image photo of room with tiled ceiling, off-white textured drywall, linoleum tiles, and particle board furniture.)  I've got a bed, which with my pillow topper (yes, the hardships of being deployed) is relatively comfortable.  Note the wool green issue military blanket (imagine standard issue Army green wool blanket with US printed in the middle).  I think that's a design that probably hasn't change much in the last hundred years.  I've got some pictures from home to remind me about the good things in life and everyone whose cheering me on.  For those of you concerned about my education, I've been reading about Pediatric Surgery (image picture of cheap office chair with Volume 1 of Grosfeld) in my spare time - getting ready for the Boards in September.  The closet here is considerably smaller than the one at home, but since I pretty much have only two outfits to choose between, it's more than adequate.

         So, going back to the water, even though the running water isn't potable, there's still a limited supply here on the base which means we have to take "combat" showers - translation - a limit of 3 minutes of running water.  For those of you who know me well, this may be the biggest hardship of my deployment.  We are also responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the bathroom, so we rotate the cleaning detail on a daily basis from room to room.  It works out to about once 9 days or so.  I have to confess I was dreading this before I got here, but since I was the last person to arrive in the room, the only thing left for me to do was clean a few mirrors and a few sinks.

         Well, it's not home, but it's really not bad, and trust me it could be a lot worse.

(If I can ever get the pictures to upload, I'll be sure to share them with you.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Team

As many of my predecessors have told me, the people you work with can be your saving grace.  There are three of us here in the general/ trauma surgery rotation which means we are technically on call every third night.  So on those nights we respond to trauma calls and general surgery consults (things like appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc.)   Having said that, on the nights in between, we are primary and secondary back-up, so that if there are multiple critically ill patients we are involved even if we aren't the "on-call" surgeon (and the "Czar" who coordinates the overall clinical effort is involved with just about everything).  In addition to the general surgeons, there are several surgical sub-specialists as well as internists, pediatricians and family physicians here.  One of the nice things about being here is that we are all in it together, so everyone is willing to pitch in and help out, be it in the OR, the ER, or in just about any other way.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Initial Travels

As all of you probably know by now, I safely arrived in Afghanistan about 1 week ago.  My trip to get here took about a week as well, which like many things in the military, was long and convoluted.  And, while clearly I did get from point A to point B, it mostly seems like it was a week of my life I will never get back.  After leaving San Antonio, I went to Norfolk, VA where I spent the night and next day at the Fentons (friends from residency).  This seems to have become a tradition for many of us heading overseas.  
My military conveyance then commenced in Norfolk on Miami Air International.  (This is the contractor for the military whose fleet consists of an entire 9 airplanes.)  From Norfolk we made 4 stops before arriving at Manas, Kyrgystan.

The first stop was in at the Pease Airport in Portsmouth, NH.  In Pease, we were able to get off the plane and we were met by the Pease Greeters.  There were between 50 and 100 volunteers (mostly veterans) who formed a line and shook the hands of every service member on the plane.  They had coffee, donuts, ice cream, and phones we could make calls from.  They sent us off with chocolates, candies, knitted hats, and warms socks among many other things.  Needless to say, it was very moving.  After taking off from Pease, we returned to Pease because the cabin door wasn't sealed and the cabin wouldn't pressurize.  Fortunately that was the only mechanical glitch in the flight - at least it was the only one we knew about.  We then stopped
in Iceland, Romania, and Georgia before finally making it to Kyrgystan, and while Miami Air is based in Miami, our pilots sounded more like they might be from any one of the latter three countries.  All in all, it was about 24 hours.
My stay in Manas was characterized mostly by jet-lag and painfully slow internet.  There is really not much to the base there, and I am ever thankful that my possible deployment to there fell through.  After about 3 days, I donned my body armor and got on a C-130 to go to Afghanistan.  We first went to Kabul and for that part of the flight we were packed in like sardines.  The landing there was relatively smooth.  Some folks got off the plane there and I pulled rank to get a seat with some more leg room which inadvertently gave me a seat with a view out of one of the very tiny side hole windows of the plane.  While I couldn't see very much, I could tell that we weren't very far off the ground as we went over the mountains.  We did a "combat" landing into Bagram which means it felt like we were on some crazy big amusement park roller coaster.  Since I could see out the window, I had a sense of what was going on and was fairly confident we weren't about to auger in, so that was 
somewhat reassuring.
The base here is really kind of a dump, but I have to admit, it's beginning to grow on me, kind of like a fungus.  And, we are surrounded by some really spectacular views of the mountains.  So far work has not been too busy, the food's not bad, my room is okay, and I'm enjoying the people I work with.