Friday, April 17, 2009


So, there was a Passover Seder here on base that a group of us from the hospital went to last week.  The Rabbi was flown in from Germany for the occasion, though I think he must be from New York originally because listening to him talk made me feel like I was at home.  At the conclusion of the evening he had us act out parts to a song.  One of the guys in our group shot a short video of the end of the song which features me acting out "fire".  The structure of the song reminded me of The Twelve Days of Christmas.  For those of you who were at the General Surgery Christmas party this year, you can tell me how my part here compares to my rendition of three french hens.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a seder at my grandmother's house one year - we had a guest from South America. We changed all of the "Chad Gadyas'" to "Un Chico Un Chico"!

    If you can't have fun with the seder . . . Glad you enjoyed it!
